Sergio Barbanti
He was born in Milan on 28/08/1957. Degree in Law, magna cum laude, Rome University.
He joined the Italian Foreign Service in 1987. First assigned to the Directorate General for Economic Affairs, he headed the Italian Delegation for the rescheduling of the foreign debt of African countries within The Paris Club.
In 1990 he was posted in Zimbabwe as Deputy Head of Mission.
In 1994. he was assigned to the Embassy in Washington as Deputy Head for media and in charge of political relations with Latin America countries. He was also permanent observer to the Organization of American States (OAS).
In 1998 he moved back to Rome as Deputy Head for NATO at the Directorate General for Political Affairs.
In 2002 he became Diplomatic Advisor to the Minister of Public Administration.
In 2004 he was appointed Consul General in Madrid.
From 2009 to 2013 he was Ambassador to Montenegro.
Back to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2013, he was nominated Deputy Inspector General.
From 2017 to 30th September 2021 he was Ambassador to Austria.
From 1st October 2021, he is Ambassador to the State of Israel.