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Amedeo Andreotti

Amedeo Andreotti

Full professor

University of Naples Federico II

Prof. Amedeo Andreotti is a full professor at the “Federico II” University of Naples; he belongs to the Scientific Disciplinary Sector “Electric Energy Systems” (ING-IND/33).

He has held numerous and diversified teaching positions, currently teaching “Electrical energy systems” and “Renewable energy production and cogeneration” at the “Federico II” University of Naples.

He is the author of educational volumes published by prestigious publishing houses; as far as scientific activity is concerned, he has developed numerous themes, however focusing on two in particular. The first concerns overvoltages on distribution networks, the other regarding smart grids under distributed control. He has received numerous international awards.

He is Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery journal and Associate Editor for the IET High Voltage journal. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a member of the IEC. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers published in international journals or presented at national/international conferences.