

Lutech Group is a leader in innovation (among the top three in Italy), with 4,700 professionals and revenues of about 800 million euros, supporting the transformation and growth of companies and institutions.

In order to interpret a world in continuous transformation, you need to comprehend the change, understand it and foresee it. The group designs, implements and manages end-to-end solutions under the banner of constant improvement involving people and processes, technology and knowledge.

Lutech Group places at the foundation of the Digital Evolution six technological core entities designed to provide a complete and integrated offering, able to meet the manifold needs of digitization: LutechConsulting, LutechSolutions, LutechDigital, LutechCybersecurity, LutechServices and LutechCloud.

Thanks to the knowledge of the key processes of each sector, from sales & marketing, through operations, to after sales, the Lutech team is able to orchestrate projects that embrace the entire company ecosystem, designing the path towards innovation on the topics of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, HPC, Cybersecurity, Digital Twin, Metaverse and 5G&IoT.

Lutech Group has skills and expertise to guide and manage the needs of all the key industries of our country, in particular:

PUBLIC SECTOR – We manage the digitization of Central and Local Public Administrations through established industry expertise and strategic Consip Framework Agreements for the dissemination of digital technologies and processes in the PA.

ENERGY & UTILITIES – We are a recognized market Leader with clear vertical Customer value chain competencies and know-how in Enterprise Platfom, Digital Twin, IoT, Smart Metering, Meter 2 Cash, AI and HyperAutomation.

TELCO & MEDIA – We drive the digital transformation of telco and media companies through a full range of cloud and AI services, solutions, and platforms to optimize the Customer relationship management process, enhance the available information assets, and optimize operating costs.
