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Antonio Amati

Antonio Amati

General Director


Born in Rome in 1958, he graduated in Philosophy and holds several degrees from other European universities, as well as a Master in Strategic Planning from the Business Management School of Bocconi University.

General Manager of the IT Division, as well as President of Almaviva Digitaltec, Lombardia Gestione, WEDOO, ReActive, and B.M. Tecnologie Industriali, he is also Vice President of Almawave, Sole Director of Data Jam, and CEO of PNT Italia S.r.l., project company 60% owned by Engineering and 40% by Almaviva).

He is also a member of the Board of Almaviva and SIN, a public-sector company controlled by Agea, member of Cor, a joint committee set up by the Cnipa and various enterprises to manage the SPC contract for ensuring interoperability between public administration entities and Vice President of the Information Technology Section of Unindustria.

Since 2005, as Director of the Central Government Area of Almaviva, he has managed the Company’s participation in a number of major IT projects, such as the electronic passport, the National Services Smartcard, and the Regional Services Smartcard of the Region of Lombardia.

In 2002 he was appointed Director of the Government Division of Finsiel.

From 2000 to 2002, he served as CEO of Voinoi (Acea Group).

In 1999 he was appointed CEO of EDS PA, dedicated to the public sector. In this company he was responsible for launching the interoperability services of Consip, the Ministry of Justice, INPS, INAIL INPDAP.

In 1995, he joined EDS Italia as Sales Manager.

Between 1986 and 1995 he held increasingly important positions in Database Informatica, up to the post of Director of the Strategic Business Area