Daniele Dotto
Daniele Dotto joined the European Commission in 1993 after a short experience in the private sector where he set-up what is now one of the largest European network of business lawyers. He started his career at the European Commission in the team supervising the deployment of the Single market. In ’96, he moved to the Consumer Policy Department where he dealt with the consequences of the mad-cow crisis and the creation of the new Department “Health and Consumers”.
In 2000, he participated in the design and implementation of the “Kinnock reform”, i.e. the reform of the governance of the European Commission. He eventually became Head of Unit of the Coordination Unit of the Department for Human resources and member of the ABM Steering group – the corporate governance body of the European Commission. He then became Head of Unit – External and Trade Unions relations of the same DG. In 2013, he joined the Task Force for Greece – with mandate for growth policy and EU Funds.
In 2015, he was appointed Head of Unit in the newly created DG REFORM, Unit Governance and Public Administration.
Since 2021, he is Deputy Director in the same DG. He coordinated Technical Support for Greece and France and the DG’s policy relations with the OECD and the Council of Europe. He supervises the strategy and operations of the European Commission Competence Centre for Public Administration and Governance. He is lecturer at Bocconi University and at the Scuola Normale “Sant’Anna” di Pisa on management of large organisations and EU governance.